Raleigh NC Brake Repair
Many drivers today, do not take the time to gain a basic understanding of their car, truck, SUV, or minivan’s basic maintenance requirements. This is very unfortunate. Because in the long run, spending just a little time & money today, will certainly save you thousands of dollars down the road. For example, getting a regular oil change is a HUGE deal and can significantly affect the longevity of any vehicle. As well as, simple inexpensive brake repair tasks such as keeping your brake pads up to par & your rotors within factory specs. And even ensuring your front and rear brake calipers are functioning as they should.
A little now goes SO FAR later down the road. Staying atop the factory recommended maintenance for your make and model of vehicle is of the utmost importance. Not only for the longevity that your vehicle lasts but also for other drivers and your own safety.
Triangle Car Care helps you identify and correct any problems involving your car’s sophisticated braking system. Our team of mechanics uses modern automotive diagnostic and repair technology. We fix many types of braking system malfunctions. Our mechanic shop works efficiently, affordably, & certainly accurately to solve brake repair problems. As well as regular brake maintenance tasks too.
We service all makes and all models of automobiles. Both foreign & domestic makes such as, but not limited to:
Drivers simply must keep their brakes in great working condition! State law requires functional brakes for vehicles that operate on North Carolina highways. Your safety and the safety of those around you, absolutely rely on fully functional vehicle brakes.
Brake upkeep occurs BEFORE you have a problem and need brake repair. Responsibly drivers get regular brake inspections. Doing so plays heavily on whether or not your vehicle will likely avoid an emergent need for brake repair.
There are two main types of automobile brake systems, disk brakes & drum brakes. Drum brakes aren’t as common these days. Because the development of a more efficient and effective method of stopping is with disk brakes.
Brake Repair Components Common to Both Disk Brakes & Drum Brakes Are Things Such As:
- Brake Fluid
- Lines & Hoses
- Master Brake Cylinder
- Brake Booster
- Pedal For Brakes
- Brake Fluid Reservoir
- ABS Sensors
Auto Brake System Components Unique To Disk Brake Systems & That Will Require Up Keep & Occasional Brake Repair Service Are:
- Auto Brake Pads
- Clips For Brake Pads
- Bleeder Screw-On Caliper
- Rubber Piston Seals To Maintain Fluid
- Small Rubber Boots To Protect Pistons From Contaminants
- Brake Rotors
- Disk Brake Caliper Pistons
- And Brake Caliper Assemblies

Auto Brake Repair System Components Unique To Drum Brake Systems Are
- Brake Drums
- Brake Shoes
- Wheel Cylinder
- Brake Cable Guide
- Adjuster Assemblies
- Return Springs
- Backing Plates
Triangle Car Care values your safety, as well as your fellow driver’s safety. We regularly inspect braking systems when a vehicle comes to us. In doing so, not only do we help keep your vehicle’s braking system in great condition, but also prevent much more costly brake repairs in your future. Neglecting to service your braking system only causes further damage to additional components.
For instance, say your vehicle’s brake pads are worn down below the recommended specs regarding the thickness of them. Eventually, they wear down to the metal, then that tidbit of remaining metal backing that was once on the back of your disk brake pad is now cutting deep gauges in your brake rotors. So now, not only do you need new brake pads, but also new rotors as well. Or say your brake caliper piston boots are getting old and one cracked. Then the grease that was once allowing that piston pin to easily glide in and out as the caliper piston direct
How Do Auto Brakes Work?
The brake system actually starts & then stops by incorporating two types of systems:
- Hydraulics = Brake Fluid
- Friction Materials = Brake Pads or Brake Shoes
Here’s what happens within these systems from the time your foot hits the brake pedal til when your car stops.
The typical operation of a disk brake system is as follows:
The pressure is applied to the brake pedal. This action causes the master cylinder to push hydraulic pressure (brake fluid pressure). The pressurized brake fluid moves through the brake lines and hoses into each wheel’s brake caliper. Each wheel has two brake pads one on either side of the wheel’s brake rotor. So, when the pistons inside each caliper fill will break fluid, the pistons glide out. Then, this action causes the pistons to press the brake pads. Finally, the brake pads are forced into the brake rotors. And this friction is what stops your vehicle.
Brakes: Safer Yet Far More Complex
In former eras, breaks that “locked” unexpectedly could place motor vehicles at risk of skidding. Fortunately, experts believe in the development of sophisticated dual-circuit anti-lock braking systems (ABS). And modern ABS offers innumerable benefits for everyone on the road. The purpose of the system is as the name implies, to prevent your brakes from locking up. Because if brakes did lock up, then the vehicle is skidding. And if your skidding, you’ve lost control. Not safe.
By having possible braking system problems checked promptly by one of our qualified automotive repair technicians, you’ll gain peace of mind of knowing that your vehicle does not need any brake repair. Hence, your ability to stop is at its best & you can tackle a variety of driving conditions.
Driving in Raleigh, North Carolina
The Raleigh, NC area sometimes feels the after-effects of harsh Atlantic storms blowing inland. Your car’s sophisticated braking system enables you to retain control over your vehicle even under adverse weather conditions such as strong winds, pouring rain, freezing snow & ice.
Sometimes motorists must stop or slow down on very short notice.
Just consider a few of these potentially dangerous scenarios:
- Deer darting in front of you suddenly…
- A distracted driver ahead swerving dangerously across busy lanes of traffic…
- Roadwork creating massive commuter backlogs…
- Downed power lines dangling across the road after a storm…
Today, any number of situations potentially require a rapid response by a driver in order to avoid an accident. Responsible drivers want to keep their vehicle’s extremely important automotive braking system functioning correctly.
When you notice a possible brake problem, Triangle Car Care’s team of highly-skilled brake specialists offers rapid, reliable, professional brake repair. We’ll check your vehicle carefully. We help alert you to any possible mechanical issues involving your brakes.