6 Tips for Choosing the Right Car

6 Tips for Choosing the Right Car More people are buying vehicles than ever before, with an estimated 17.2 million cars and trucks being taken home in 2018 alone. While the majority of drivers are happy with their purchases, some buyers do end up regretting what they invest in....
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Do We Really Need New Cars?

Do We Really Need New Cars? For all the safety improvements of new vehicles, the accident statistics continue to remain the same. This doesn’t say a lot about all the money that manufacturers are making on improvements. The more improvements that automakers make, the more...
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Is There Really a Big Difference Between Manufacturers Today?

Similar Technology and Safety Features The automotive world continues to consolidate technology by sharing engineering across platforms. Vehicle manufacturers are constantly tearing down each other’s vehicles and looking for solutions to their own engineering hurdles in...
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The Technology of Automobiles

The Technology of Automobiles The cars of today are loaded with high tech devices that make driving safer and more convenient. These vehicles have infotainment centers and alarms to notify you of an impending collision. Some even apply the brakes automatically if the computer...
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How to Keep Your Vehicle Running Like New Forever

The dream of every car owner, when they buy a new collectible vehicle, is to keep it in pristine condition for a long time so that it retains its value. Imagining that they can meet this lofty goal and actually doing so are two distinct issues. Keeping your vehicle running like...
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The Progression of Automotive Oxidation and How to Prevent It

The Progression of Automotive Oxidation and How to Prevent It Rust is something that is more commonly found in states that are impacted with heavy snowfalls. When they coat their roads with salt or a brine solution, it produces a better electrolyte to initiate oxidation. Living...
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The Growing Problem with City Dealerships

City Dealerships Car dealerships in densely populated areas face a growing problem. The problem is that the zoning and high price for property forces them to work out of an isolated space that is not sufficient to meet the needs of product demand as brands become more popular and...
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Car Manufacturers Keep Stalling on Electric Vehicles

Regulations Are Progressing Toward Mandatory Electric Vehicles The emission regulations being set by the United States and echoed by the international market trends are seeking to bring about the demise of the combustion engine. Britain and France led the clean energy revolution...
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Simple Tips To Improve Vehicle Performance

Simple Tips To Improve Vehicle Performance Now that you have done the research, gotten the financing and left the dealership in the comfortable, stylish, technologically advanced automobile you wanted, your focus has now switched to performance. While having an incredible looking...
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Automotive Planned Obsolescence

Automotive Planned Obsolescence The car industry is becoming more disposable as car manufacturers look to juice the highest profit-margin possible. Due to the specialization of auto repair, few shops are capable of carrying out the extensive make and model repairs needed to keep...
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